I had a problem with low transmit volume when using the Signalink USB sound card connected to the Kenwood TM-V71 radio. Played with all sorts of settings and then found the problem buried in a Signalink FAQ.
When using the Signalink for 1200 baud packet make sure you DO NOT have the radio set for 9600 baud. It works, but the transmit audio is very low. I could hear the transmission on a radio wight the volume turned most of the way up but when the 9600 baud settings were taken off, the transmit volume went what I considered normal.
The Direwolf software TNC shows the audio level of each packet heard. With 9600 baud enabled on the V71 the level was 2 - 3. When 9600 baud was disabled on the radio, the audio level went back to 25-30 so it is not just subjective.
Remember, this is for 1200 baud packet. Your milage might very if doing something different.